Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises for Injury Prevention

by Battle Born Supplements on September 29, 2021

If you have ever done any type of physical activity or sport you know injury can be common during any physical activity. Often times, most athletes skip a good warm up and go right into action which also increases the chance of injury. Fun fact: A key component of any workout is a dynamic warm up, I know seems simple right?! The key is to be consistent in warming up before activity but not just any warm-up but a good dynamic warm-up routine. It is important to practice these consistently and make sure it is progressive, so the body can adapt as you challenge it with new exercises. 

Warm-ups are sometimes skipped due to a misunderstanding of the importance of this step prior to any workout. Outside of improving your athletic performance, both stretching and warm-ups are beneficial prior to activity for injury prevention.
Combining the two activities into a simple fluid action known as a dynamic warm-up is one of the greatest methods to attain these advantages without taking up too much time. So, I'm going to dig right in and shed some light on this crucial but often underappreciated aspect of health and performance.


Why is a dynamic warm up so important?

Simply put, a dynamic warm-up is a sequential series of movements performed prior to physical activity. Dynamic warm-ups aims to increase blood flow to the muscles, increase functional mobility, maximize available flexibility of the entire body and prepare the body for activity.


Static Stretching Vs Dynamic Stretching

Static stretching entails moving a muscle/joint as far as it can go without hurting it, then holding that position for 20 to 30 seconds. Static stretches should be repeated two to three times. This is an extremely effective method of increasing flexibility.

This type of stretching is excellent for improving range of motion and reducing muscular tension. However, contrary to popular belief, static stretching has been shown to be ineffective prior to exercise. In fact, static stretching is more likely to have no effect or even to impede performance than to improve it.

To help prevent injury, use static stretches as part of your cool-down routine. Static stretching as part of a maintenance stretching program can also help reduce your risk of injury.

However, using static stretching as a warm-up before an athletic competition may have a negative impact on your performance. This is due to the fact that static stretching may impair your body's ability to respond quickly. In action, this condition can last up to two hours.


 10 Examples of Static Exercises you can do:

    1. UPPER BACK STRETCH: Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your knees bent slightly. Allow your upper back to relax by interlocking your fingers and pushing them as far away from your chest as feasible. Between your shoulder blades, you should feel a stretch.


    2. SHOULDER STRETCH: Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your knees bent slightly. Place your right arm across the front of your chest, parallel to the ground. Bend the left arm up and bring the right arm closer to your chest with the left forearm. You'll notice a stretch in your shoulder. Replace the other arm and repeat the process.


    3. CALF STRETCH: Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, hands flat and at shoulder height against a wall. Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping it straight and press the heel firmly into the floor. Keep your hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line. You will feel the stretch in the calf of the rear leg. Hold the stretch and then repeat with the other leg.


    4. HAMSTRING STRETCH: Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you, bend the left leg, and place the left foot's sole alongside the right leg's knee. Bend forward while maintaining the back straight and allowing the left leg to lie comfortable on the ground. The stretch will be felt in the right leg's hamstring. Rep with the opposite leg.


    5. STANDING HAMSTRING STRETCH: Stand one step in front of your right foot with your left leg, bend your right knee, and sit your weight on it. Your front foot's toes should point up to the sky, and your hands should be folded on your thigh. Hold when you feel a comfortable stretch by tilting your hips forward as if putting your butt in the air while keeping your back straight. Rep with the opposite leg.


    6. HIP AND THIGH STRETCH: Standing tall with your feet around two shoulder widths apart is a good place to start. Turn your feet to the right and face the right. The right thigh should be parallel to the ground, and the right lower leg should be vertical. Lower your body gradually while keeping your back straight and balancing with your arms. The stretch will be felt in the front of the left thigh and the hamstrings of the right leg. Hold a comfortable stretch and then turn and face to the left to repeat.


    7. QUADRICEPS STRETCH: Stand tall holding or leaning to an object to keep your balance. Pull your ankle or forefoot toward your buttocks by grabbing the top of your ankle or forefoot behind you. Replace the opposite leg and repeat the process.


    8. STANDING SHIN STRETCH: To maintain your balance, stand tall while holding or leaning against an object. Take hold of your forefoot behind you. Look forward while pulling your forefoot toward your lower back. Hold the stretch at a comfortable level for a few seconds before repeating with the other leg.


    9. ADDUCTOR STRETCH: Stand tall with your feet about two shoulder widths apart, bend your right leg, and slowly lower your body while keeping your back straight and using your arms to balance. The stretch will be felt in the left leg adductor. Hold the stretch until the pain level is reached, then repeat with the left leg. 


    10. STANDING ILOPTOBIAL BAND STRETCH: Cross one leg in front of the other, bend down and touch your toes, then move your hands across the floor toward the front leg to stretch the outside of your thigh on the opposite side. Rep with the opposite leg.

Warming up dynamically should be done at a moderate pace, with a focus on a gradual advancement into the possible range of motion; don't try to extend as far as you can right away. Allow the body to "warm up," allowing the muscles to create heat, oxygenate, and therefore preparing for a full range of motion and speed. Dynamic stretching targets various muscle groups and actions at the same time and is held for only 2-5 seconds.


10 Examples of Dynamic Exercises you can do: 

    1. HEEL WALKS: Stand tall, with your chest up and out, and your shoulders back. Raise your toes off the ground on both sides. With your right leg, take a step forward and plant your heel on the ground. Always keep your toes pointed upwards. This will help you build your tibialis anterior, which is the muscle that runs down the front of your shin. Then, with your left leg, take a step forward and repeat for a total of 20 yards or 45 secs.


    2. TOE WALKS: Stand tall, with your chest up and out, and your shoulders back. Raise your heels off the ground and balance on the balls of your feet. With your right leg, take a step forward, pressing the ball of your foot into the ground. The toes should be pointing downwards. Your calf muscles will be activated and isolated as a result of this. Then, with your left leg, take a step forward and repeat for a total of 20 yards or 45 secs.


    3. KNEE TO CHEST WALKS (QUAD STRETCH): Start with your shoulders back and your chest up and out. Grab your right knee with both hands and bring it upward and close to your chest. Lift your left hell (plantarflexion/calf raise) while maintaining good posture. Maintain this position for 2–3 seconds. Slowly release your right knee, take a step forward with your left leg, and repeat. This exercise should be done for a total of 20 yards or 45 secs. To get the most bang for your buck (or butt!) between sets, try not to take too many steps.


    4. FRANKENSTEIN MARCH: Begin with strong posture, with your chest up and out and your shoulders back. Hold both arms out in front of you and kick with your right leg straight out in front of you (don't bend your knee!) and your foot flexed, attempting to touch your fingertips to your fingers while keeping perfect posture and working your core. Your right leg should be lowered. Rep with your left leg once your right leg has touched the floor. It's critical that you do this exercise in a slow, controlled manner. Only raise your leg as high as it feels comfortable. For a total of 20 yards or 45 secs., repeat this exercise.


    5. STEP TOE TOUCH + STEP REVERSE LUNGE: Begin by standing tall with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms at your sides. With your left foot, take a slight step forward. Swing your right leg out in front of you while stretching your left hand towards your right toe as you plant your front leg (left foot) firmly on the ground. I'm attempting to build a toe-to-hand link, but it's not absolutely required. Instead of bending at the waist, maintain your hips and rib cage open. Plant your right foot slightly behind your left foot as you swing your right leg back towards the ground. Step your left foot back into a reverse lunge, lowering your hips until both knees are at a 90-degree angle and your front right thigh is parallel to the floor. Drive through your front right foot to return to a starting position. Repeat this movement for 20 yards or 45 seconds. Then switch legs.


    6. LATERAL SQUAT: Begin by spreading your feet wider than your hips. With your knees and toes pointed forward, imagine a wide squat or sumo squat position (or toes just slightly turned out away from your body). Push your hips back and shift your weight into your right heel, bending your right knee while keeping your left leg straight. As you sit back into the lateral squat, reach for your right foot with your left hand. Then reverse the movement with your right foot, pushing you back up to center. Repeat on the left leg, bending your left knee and reaching for your right hand towards your left toes. Repeat this action for 20 yards or 45 seconds, increasing your speed as you go.


    7. INVERTED HAMSTRING STRETCH: Begin by standing tall, shoulders back, and chest up and out. Raise your right foot off the ground slightly. Bend your hips and lower your torso as much as you can without affecting the angle of your left knee. Lift your arms straight out to the sides until they are in line with your torso as you lean over. Make sure your palms are facing up. Return to your original starting position. Perform this exercise for about 20 yards on both sides or 45 secs on both sides.


    8. LUNGE TORSO TWIST: Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart is a good place to start. To begin the lunge, take a stride forward with your right leg that is over-exaggerated. While bending your right knee 90 degrees, keep your shoulders back, chest up, and out. Allowing your right knee to pass in front of your toes is not allowed, and your left knee should come one to two inches off the floor in line with your hip, but not quite touching the ground! Lean forward slightly at your hips while in this lunge position. Maintain a strong core and twist at the waist to bring your left elbow closer to your right knee. Return to the center while remaining in the lunge. Plant your right foot firmly into the ground and draw your full weight forward. Bring the left leg off the ground and slowly swing it forward to beginning the next lunge as you bring yourself to an upright position and begin to concentrate your weight over the right leg. As you complete this exercise, alternate each leg for a distance of roughly 20 yards or 45 secs.


    9. POWER SKIP OR L SKIP: Begin by separating your feet shoulder-width apart. Maintain a relaxed posture with your shoulders back and your chest up and out. Begin by skipping with your right leg, raising your right knee as high as possible. Bend your left arm to around 90 degrees at the same moment. Your right elbow should be by your side and your left leg should be straight. Repeat the skipping action with the opposite arm and leg by landing on the ball of your left foot. Make a 20-yard run with this exercise or 45 secs at a time. Skip as far as you can and try to go as high as you can!


    10. INCH WORM: Begin in a high push-up stance with your legs straight and your toes firmly planted on the ground. Then, by walking your toes towards your planted hands, bring your heels into contact with the earth. Continue to slowly walk your feet as close together as possible while keeping your back and legs straight. Do not bend your knees! This isn't quite a "tip-toe," but it is a step (which will provide an additional calf stretch!). Slowly walk your hands back to the initial high push-up position once your feet are as close to your hands as they can be safely. Rep this exercise for a total of 10–15 yards or 30 secs. 
 Stretching and properly warming up is a major key component in making sure your Mindset is focused and ready to go. As we understand, when it comes to achieving your fitness goals, your mindset is the ultimate determinant of your success. As the famous saying goes, “whether you think you can, or think you can’t—you’re right.” IT's all in your mindset. Don't forget to take your Mindset Preworkout Gummies 10-15 minutes before activity. 


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